Attorney fee for patent application in India
Action based fee
- Attorney fee for preparing and filing an application for a Patent in India
- Additional fee for responding to office actions
- Additional fee for preparing evidences and arguments
- Additional fee for attending hearings with the examiner
Capped Flat fee
- Attorney fee for preparing and filing an application for a Patent in India
- No further fee for responding to office actions
- No further fee for preparing evidences and arguments
- No further fee for attending hearings with the examiner
Fee for foreign applicants in US Dollars
The official fee for filing a Patent in India
Action Particulars – in US$ | Individual | Large Firm |
Filing application for Patent | 30 | 130 |
For each additional priority | 30 | 130 |
Each additional page over 30 | 03 | 14 |
Each additional claim over 10 | 06 | 28 |
Filing request for examination | 70 | 300 |
Action based attorney fee for a patent in India
Particulars | Indian Rupees |
Consultation charges per hour or part thereof | 7000 |
A search of Patent Database | 8000 |
Drafting of Complete Specification | 20000 |
Amendment of Specification due to objections | 10000 |
Attending to serious objections at the patent office/hearing | 15000 |
Attorney fee for Filing a READY TO FILE application (30 Pages/10 Claims) | 25000 |
Attorney fee for prosecuting an application at the Patent Office | 10000 per response |
Alternatively – FLAT ONE TIME attorney fee for filing & prosecution of application till grant of Patent | 65000 |
Requirements for filing an application for a Patent in India
- Name, address and nationality of each inventor and applicants
- A copy of the Complete Specification which must include claims, abstract and drawings
- Verified English translation of the priority documents
- A Power of Attorney signed by an applicant or an authorized person of each applicant
- Proof of Right: a document transferring the rights from inventor to the applicants
- Information of the status of the patent applications filed in other jurisdictions for the same invention.
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